An Open Letter to Kentucky Young Democrats

An Open Letter to the Kentucky Young Democrats (KYD)

In light of April being sexual assault awareness month, and the many questions surrounding our recent changes in leadership, I am writing this letter to notify our members of amendments that have been made to our bylaws. 

View the Anti-Harassment Policy Amendment / View the Removal of Members Amendment

My term as President began on January 30, since which my team and I have taken time to do a deep dive into how we can create a better culture within KYD. One built on understanding, trust, and commitment to what is right--not allegiances to friends, archaic traditions, or personal vendettas. These bylaw amendments are just the first of many steps to  creating a safe, inclusive and open environment for all our members.

To be clear, the Kentucky Young Democrats  has always stood firmly against sexual assault, harassment or violence of any nature. We  acknowledge the need for organizations and systems everywhere to change how they protect women wherever and whoever they are. However before we can effectively advocate for the change we want, we have to be that change. That’s why earlier this month, our state board temporarily passed Anti-Harassment and Removal of Members policies to our state bylaws. We hope to send a clear signal to everyone that this type of behavior will not ever be tolerated. Furthermore, we would like all victims of sexual assault to know, that our organization believes you, and that we stand in solidarity with the justice you deserve. 

But there is still work to do, and we need your help. These changes can only be made permanent through a ⅔ majority at our annual state convention June 12-13.

No one person or group can make this change, it has to be a collective change that we commit to facilitating together. We also understand that there may be other changes that need to be made and we encourage you to submit those changes here. Our bylaws committee will review and vote on them to be submitted to the convention body by May 28. We need to get this right, and every single member of leadership is dedicated to that goal, but the only way we get there is together.

I am honored to be the President of Kentucky Young Democrats, but I am even more proud to be a Kentuckian, like all of you. . So many Kentuckians  are making positive changes in their  communities whether it is organizing for workers’ rights, fighting  for civil rights, raising money for nonprofits, cleaning up your state parks , feeding their  neighborhoods, educating our children, working in public service, running for office, running a campaign or serving in party leadership. I know, together,  we have the power to make a difference--because so many of us already are. 

This year, we have the chance to fight against sexual assault, racism, unfair housing practices, police brutality and tyranny. We can stand up for universal childcare, for a $15 minimum wage, for an equitable healthcare system that doesn’t bankrupt working families, and accessible clean water. But we will continue to lose in this fight if we don’t stand together.

Let’s build.

In solidarity,

Stephon Moore